STGC offers

We provide local knowledge advise to plan your trip (selfdrive or guided) in Namibia - FREE.
We have professional, registered guides to give you the most informative and enjoyable time in Namibia.
We also do short noticed, hourly based tours in and around Windhoek & excellent game viewing drives.
We book your various accommodation and activities & sell great properties.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Birding with RTN

Welcome to the bonus we experienced while on a cultural safari in Namibia with David of RoadTripNAMIBIA. Yes, the sometimes striking, or camouflaged, or cute, but-never-sitting-still, birds. We didn't go birding - but we couldn't other, but noticed. They crossed our paths unexpectedly and always spread excitement. They are there one moment and gone the next.
Maybe we did not see animals around every nook or corner, but we definately saw birds and birds and more birds. Granted - if one were not looking, one would not have noticed.
Share with me some golden memories of the birds which brought a smile to my face during our safari in Namibia.  David, our guide, was a superb birder.  You are welcome to send David the info if you can identify some of the no-names in the video.