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Thursday, April 18, 2019


I am from this place - Africa, Namibia, Etosha.
13 years ago, I drove with my in-laws around - showing off amazing Namibia. And did not see one single elephant in Etosha. Granted, it was in the 'wrong' time of year.  The elephants had moved north to better grazing whilst there were rainwater in pools around. We even, got rained out of our tents and moved into a bungalow.
Elephants were part of my life.  My parents farm was just east of Etosha. School holidays we would regularly have a day outing to Etosha. We had to get up and leave house still in the dark to be at the Etosha gate at sunrise. Knowing about the big picnic basket mom had prepared, getting up and out of our cozy beds, were not a problem for us kids. In those days, Etosha was only open to the public the months around winter. Etosha and excitement, have always been sinonime.
Elephants were also sometimes a big heartache for my dad and other farmers of the area. Because the elephant herd of Etosha had outgrown itself, some elephant would break the fence and walked off to better grazing - the surrounding farms. Where they flattened farming fences and broke water installations. The farms were all extensively farmed with cattle. In the wake of the elephant escape path, followed other predators like lion and wilddog. Hearing frightened cattle bellowing in the dark of night mingled with the roar of attacking lions, is hairraising and fearsome - And vividly engraved in my memory. The government was unable to relocate the animals and left the problem solving for the farmers. Waiting for the men to return from such a hunt, burnt many candles.
During the last hunt on our farm, one of the men was seriously mauled(sp) by the male lion. And I, keep the memories with me.
Because of the prolific growth of the elephant herd, the government started the culling program. It was neccessary. The production of canned meat was effecient and "Eloolo with the elephant head on the sticker" was common on the shelves. There was no taste difference between Eloolo and any other beef canned meat.
Today, 13 years after my last visit to Etosha, we spent a few days there again during our 30 day RoadTripNAMIBIA safari. I was honoured to share it with my son. We saw elephants for Africa!  and even more elephants.
+264 (0)81 202 7942
During our Road Trip Namibia Safari we had excellent sightings of elephants. But I remember a few more things about Etosha elephants.